Submitting a Claim / Soumission d’une demande

Starting January 1, 2024, all Pre-Approvals and Applications for Reimbursement are to be sent via email to: and all questions can be referred to the NDT Industry National Training Trust Fund at (226) 666-2230. The procedure for submitting claims to the Training Fund are outlined on the Application for Reimbursement forms and Rules and Regulations. To find out what information is required in order to be reimbursed and to ensure that your claim is eligible, you should contact the training fund administrator at (226) 666-2230 prior to incurring your claim. Please refer to the forms on the right.

Do not submit Applications for Reimbursement to the Training Fund on the Extended Health Benefit claim form. Please use the NDT Industry National Training Trust Fund Forms by clicking the links on the right.

Soumission d’une réclamation

À compter du 1er janvier 2024, toutes les demandes de pré-approbation et de remboursement devront être envoyées par courriel à : et toutes les questions pourront être adressées au Fonds national en fiducie pour la formation de l’industrie d’END au (226) 666-2230. La procédure de soumission des réclamations au Fonds de formation est décrite dans les formulaires de demande de remboursement et dans les Règles et Règlements. Pour savoir quelles sont les informations requises pour être remboursé et afin de vous assurer que votre demande est admissible, nous vous invitons à communiquer avec l’administrateur du Fonds de formation au (226) 666-2230 avant d’engager une procédure de réclamation. Veuillez consulter les formulaires à droite.

Ne soumettez pas de demandes de remboursement au Fonds de formation en utilisant le formulaire de réclamation d’Assurance-maladie complémentaire. Veuillez utiliser les formulaires du Fonds national en fiducie pour la formation de l’industrie d’END en cliquant sur les liens à droite.

NDT Industry Health Benefit Plan

As an eligible member of our benefit plan, you and your family are protected from the high cost of prescription drugs, emergency medical treatment, dental expenses and wage loss when you are disabled and unable to work. The Plan is intended to bring a greater peace of mind and an increased feeling of security to you and your family.

Learn more here.

NDT Industry Pension Plan

As an eligible member of our pension plan, you can take comfort in knowing our pension plan is supporting the founders of our industry and providing a valued source of income for those who helped build this industry to what it is today. The Plan is a multi-employer defined contribution pension plan and all money contributed to the Plan is held in trust on your behalf.

Learn more here.

Training Fund

The QCC and NDTMA jointly administer an industry training fund which reimburses training and certification costs for member technicians. The Training Fund promotes constant education and upgrading of the QCC Members.

Learn more here.

Employer / Contractor Section

See this section for information and instructions on how to remit to the Plan(s) as a signatory contractor or employer.

Learn more here.