Members Ready to Retire

You can withdraw your benefit from the Plan, whether you are planning to stop working or not, if you are 55 or over.  Be sure to ask the Plan administrator for the appropriate paperwork several months before you would like to receive your pension benefit.  Feel free to call the administrator to discuss the process in advance.

Can I retire then work again and earn more pension?

Yes. Once you reach 55 you may withdraw your pension from the Plan. If you return to work, as long as you are under 72, and you work for an employer that contributes to this Plan, you will be treated as if you were a new Member of the Plan.  Members may only “retire” from the Plan once a year.



NDT Industry Health Benefit Plan

As an eligible member of our benefit plan, you and your family are protected from the high cost of prescription drugs, emergency medical treatment, dental expenses and wage loss when you are disabled and unable to work. The Plan is intended to bring a greater peace of mind and an increased feeling of security to you and your family.

Learn more here.

NDT Industry Pension Plan

As an eligible member of our pension plan, you can take comfort in knowing our pension plan is supporting the founders of our industry and providing a valued source of income for those who helped build this industry to what it is today. The Plan is a multi-employer defined contribution pension plan and all money contributed to the Plan is held in trust on your behalf.

Learn more here.

Training Fund

The QCC and NDTMA jointly administer an industry training fund which reimburses training and certification costs for member technicians. The Training Fund promotes constant education and upgrading of the QCC Members.

Learn more here.

Employer / Contractor Section

See this section for information and instructions on how to remit to the Plan(s) as a signatory contractor or employer.

Learn more here.